Standard Economy door-to-door shipping takes 3 working days before arrival, and goods are only shipped once full payment is received. The specific item size, box dimensions and final destination determines express/ Overnight and international shipping prices. If you are based outside South Africa, we do not usually deliver, we encourage collection. So should you wish to have the item expressed delivered to your door or if you are based outside of South Africa, please email us at with your request and we will send you a tailored quote that will include the special request shipping surplus.

Top-quality protective packaging designed specially to transport luxury goods safely is included. Delivery times are based on business days ONLY (Monday – Friday, except public holidays). Please make sure you are available to sign for your order personally and you will need to provide the courier with identification.


If you are not satisfied with your purchase from STStore (PTY) LTD, you may return your item for a store credit within 7 days of having received the item.