Ajax SpaceControl Remote


The Ajax SpaceControl is a lightweight four-button remote. It has an arm, disarm, night mode and panic button. The signal is sent in an encrypted format which prevents it from being intercepted. It is perfect for lending to guests or use it as a back-up if your phone battery dies.

  • All these units are available in Black and White
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Weight 0.023 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 4.7 × 2.2 cm
Color Black, White
Classification Four button key fob with feedback
Compatibility Operates with Hub, Hub Plus, ocBridge Plus, uartBridge
Number of buttons 4
Deactivation of the panic button Available
Power supply Battery: CR2032 battery
Power supply voltage: 3 V
Battery life — up to 3 years
Jeweller radio technology Communication range with central unit — up to 1,300 m in an open space
Two-way communication between devices
Operating frequencies — 868.0-868.6 MHz
Self-adjusting RF output power — up to 20 mW
Block encryption based on AES algorithm
Device polling period — 12−300 s
Operating temperature range -25°С to +50°С
Permissible humidity Up to 95%
Dimensions 65х37х10 mm
Weight 13 g